
If you meet Skip and Molly somewhere along their journey and have photos or stories you would like to share with their friends and family, please send an email to and your contribution will be posted on the blog!

Thanks already to:

Cecily Patterson


18 thoughts on “Share

  1. Go Molly! Go Skip! Just a few more miles to go! Your Middlebury fans are cheering you on! All the best, Ted and Robin

  2. Barry Nelson

    I don’t know about you guys but my fenders really look good!

  3. oregonvermont

    Looking forward to your arrival in Eugene where folks are northwest of normal! Larry

  4. Tom Caliandro

    We’re really enjoying the pictures, Molly & Skip. Thanks for the effort. Hope, selfishly, that you can keep it up. We’re thinking about you. – Francisca, Marco, Anna & Tom in Weybridge, VT.

  5. Dick Hall

    I am glad to hear that you two got to the Cheese Factory and to your first night camp sight. Meeting you at Neahkanie Mountain on 101 was exciting. Plus knowing that you went through the long tunnel — up hill — without and problems. It will be my pleasure to follow you along the trip. Thanks for taking the time to share your first half day experience. Dick Hall

  6. The Parmigiani Family (John, Anne, Joe, & Mary)

    We hope you enjoyed Corvallis and Flat Tail Brewing on June 10. Best of luck on your trip – we hope to do it someday ourselves (but not until our 6-year old twins get quite a bit older).

  7. Janice

    Molly you pictures are beautiful – love Charlie Two Bears. Glad everything is going so well for you two but miss you guys terribly.

  8. George A. Letchworth

    Hello Molly and Skip Enjoyed meeting you and riding with you for a bit on Hwy. 242. The ride from the McKenzie to Dee Wright Observatory is a good climb. I hope you enjoyed the decent into Sisters. It was interesting that you spent the night on the McKenzie less than a 1/4 mile from my home and that you spent the night in the “coaches” forest home. I hope you enjoy your night in Sisters, Oregon Cheers, George

  9. charles taylor

    Seems you plan to take 3 months to cross the country. Charles Taylor (Oregon)

  10. Geordie

    I am SO jealous and will live vicariously through your blog to get me through my 4 grad courses this summer. And Skip, I have the same bike shoes!

  11. Was really great to have the opportunity to meet you folks yesterday at the National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive center just out of Baker City, OR. Thankfully I ran into you just as I was headed out to change some signs in the picnic area. Normally I keep my head down and try to stay busy but, your bikes drew me in and we were fortunate enough to have a nice chat. Hope you have a wonderful adventure and had a chance to check out the little town of Halfway. Hopefully the grade out of the Snake River Canyon wasn’t too bad for you. Take Care, Zack Freiwald

  12. Lee Spencer

    Hi Molly & Skip –

    So impressed! What beautiful pictures! What a way to see the country!

    Do you have a device that allows you to generate electricity to power your powered devices, like cell phone?


  13. Steve Schuler

    Skip and Molly- Rumor has it that you will be passing through Bozeman, MT. If so my son Brad and brother Mike are both living in Bozeman and you could stop by or crash at their house if interested. Brad’s cell is 410-960-2541 and Mike’s is 410-699-1699. Happy trails. Steve

  14. Tom Caliandro

    Skip, Molly — You guys okay? Miss your notes and new photos. – Tom

  15. weetwobichons

    Enjoyed talking with you two the other night. Love the photos you post. Just trying to stay cool these days. Hope you two are having nice biking weather. Off to Wee Two in a few days where it’s cooler. Keep peddling!

  16. Jon Zorn

    Hey Skippy and Molly! Man I’ll tell ya the pictures look great! It’s been great hearing about your journey and reminiscing about mine. I know you’ve probably had your up’s and down’s but just keep hangin in there….it’s so worth it!! I send my best and can’t wait to see more:)

  17. Scott

    Finally got around to checking out the trip. You two are inspirational but my ass is sore just thinking about the ride. Keep on keepn’ on!

  18. Tom Caliandro

    Oh, Molly. Scary. Thank goodness you’re okay. Hate thinking about it. What a rough few days. May this week be less dramatic.

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